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Helper functions

Various helper functions and types that are used throughout this package. Some of these functions might be useful when you’re creating your own components, especially ones that use rotation.



Defined as 2π, useful when working with radians.



declare const clamp: (value: Nullable<number>, min: number, max: number) => number;
  • Returns value if it is between minValue and maxValue;
  • Returns minValue if value is a number smaller than minValue, null, or undefined;
  • Returns maxValue if value is larger than maxValue


declare const normalisedAngle: (angle: number) => number;

angle is an angle in radians, possibly negative, and returns a normalised angle in radians, where 0 ≤ angle ≥ 2π.


declare function angleToValue(
angle: number,
minValue: number,
maxValue: number,
minAngle: number,
maxAngle: number,
): number;

Converts angle in radians to a value by linear mapping from the range minAngle - maxAngle to minValue - maxValue.


declare function valueToAngle(
value: number,
minValue: number,
maxValue: number,
minAngle: number,
maxAngle: number,
): number;

Maps value, and returns a corresponding angle in radians, by linear mapping from minValue - maxValue to minAngle - maxAngle.


declare function angleToPoint(angle: number, origin: Point2D, radius: number): Point2D;

Takes angle in radians between 0-2π, radius as the radius of a circle with center origin, and returns the point {x, y} that lies on the circle and a line from the origin at angle. Examples:

angletoPoint(0, { x: 0, y: 0 }, 1); // returns {x:1, y:0 }
angletoPoint((5 / 8) * Math.PI, { x: 0, y: 0 }, 1); // returns {x:-0.7071, y:-0.7071 }


declare function pointToAngle(point: Point2D, origin: Point2D): number;

Returns the angle in radians of a vector from origin to point. Example:

pointToAngle({ x: -0.7071, y: 0.7071 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }); // returns 1.1781 == 3/8 * Math.PI


declare function pointEquals(point: Nullable<Point2D>, otherPoint: Nullable<Point2D>): boolean;

Returns true if point and otherPoint have equal x and y coordinates, or if both points are null.


declare const isPointInRect: (point: Point2D, rect: Nullable<DOMRect>) => boolean;

Returns true if point is within rectangle rect (inclusive). Returns false if rect is null or undefined.


declare const rad2deg: (radians: number) => number;

Converts radians to degrees, which is useful for CSS transforms.


declare const deg2rad: (degrees: number) => number;

Converts degrees to radians.